Covid FAQ - Clients

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Frequently asked questions


Q: What should I do if a Robert Half contract or full-time contract professional working for me comes into close contact to COVID-19 at my company or office?

  • If someone tested positive for COVID-19 at your office, and our Robert Half contract or full-time contract professional is working onsite at your office, please follow your local jurisdiction’s requirements for handling these exposures and have the worker immediately call their Robert Half contact or local Robert Half office.

Q: What is Robert Half’s response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

  • Robert Half is closely monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak and its potential impact on our employees, customers and the wider community. The health and well-being of our employees and customers is our top priority. We have a pandemic response plan and robust business continuity plans in place.

Q: Can you communicate our company’s position or guidance on COVID-19 to any contract or full-time contract professional working for us?

  • Yes. If you have guidance or special instructions for contract or full-time contract professional working at your site, we would be happy to communicate them.

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