Valuation Analyst job description guide

What is a Valuation Analyst?

The Valuation Analyst is part of the actuarial team, supporting activities in actuarial valuations and advice, business planning and performance reporting and asset liability management. The Valuation Analyst coordinates with the pricing team on issues related to volume and pricing commitments and contract negotiation. Conducting research and performing competitive pricing analysis is also part of the Valuation Analyst role.

What should be included in a Valuation Analyst job description?

If you are hiring a Valuation Analyst,, the job description can feature:

  • Preparing the reporting on difference basis per internal/ external requirement
  • Maintaining policy liability, capital and corporate business plan actuarial models
  • Administering pricing databases and coordinating the implementation of pricing proposals across the company.
  • Preparing vary actuarial reports to support capital adequacy assessment
  • Leveraging insights across finance, claims, underwriting, product and pricing to ensure an integrated best practice outcome
  • Contributing to the successful execution of company projects through appropriate actuarial subject matter input
  • Monitoring the ongoing competitive environment to ensure practices do not adversely impact company reputation or customer satisfaction

What skills and qualifications should a Valuation Analyst have?

A formal degree is typically required for a Valuation Analyst, often with tertiary qualifications in:

  1. Actuarial science
  2. Statistics
  3. Mathematics

Professional certifications with an internationally recognised actuarial body may also be desirable for a Valuation Analyst.

There are several qualities that candidates for a Valuation Analyst role should be expected to display:

  • Experience in corporate finance, auditing or accounting is a plus
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office
  • Detail-minded and good writing skills
  • Knowledge in data analysis and programming languages
  • Self-motivated and well organised

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