Jobseeker articles

If you’re like most jobseekers, your career can be both exciting and challenging. Robert Half, a Hong Kong recruitment agency, has resources to help you throughout every step, from identifying hiring trends and skills, through to advice on how to negotiate a salary. Get expert tips and advice for landing the right role and how to build a promising career.

How to leave work on time - 8 simple tips

Don't let your work take over your life. Being able to leave work on time has many benefits, if you can achieve it. Here are eight tips on how to leave work on time every day.

How to ask for a higher salary offer with a potential employer

With many employers struggling to attract candidates with the necessary skills and experience, talented jobseekers may find themselves in a stronger bargaining position. As a consequence, candidates should prepare themselves for how to ask for a higher salary offer with a future employer.

How to turn down a low salary offer

Have you been offered a salary package that you’re not happy with? This article explains how to turn down a low salary offer professionally.