Employer articles

Being a manager often means juggling between recruiting new staff and leading your current team. While there are no shortcuts when it comes to being an employer, there are ways to stay ahead of hiring and market trends. Ensure that your recruitment and management strategy is compelling with insights from an expert recruitment agency in Hong Kong.

What should you know about private equity jobs in 2018?

Private equity jobs in Hong Kong are seeing rapid growth, but skill shortages have become a problem. What types of candidates should hiring mangers be looking for in 2018 to address this? Read more.

How building a culture of happiness can drive business performance

Workplace happiness isn’t a mythical abstract concept - it’s a tangible goal for any forward-thinking business and should be among a company’s top priorities. We’ve outlined some steps that businesses should take to create an environment where people can align their values to the culture of the company

5 common management myths

No one knows how it happens or where it starts, but there are several persistent management myths in continuous circulation. Find out if these persistent management myths are true and break the spell for yourself.