Jobseeker articles

If you’re like most jobseekers, your career can be both exciting and challenging. Robert Half, a Hong Kong recruitment agency, has resources to help you throughout every step, from identifying hiring trends and skills, through to advice on how to negotiate a salary. Get expert tips and advice for landing the right role and how to build a promising career.

10 pieces of bad career advice

It's important to differentiate between disastrous career advice and good career advice built on sound logic. Find out the most common pieces of bad career advice people could offer you.

Should I ask about future work colleagues before accepting the job?

It makes good sense to ask questions about the sort of people you’ll be working with during your job interview. After all, your work colleagues, and how well you get along with them, can have a significant impact on your performance and job satisfaction.

Does switching careers mean you’re not happy at work?

Have you been considering a career change? Worried that it’s a sign that you’re not happy right now? Worry no more. Switching careers can be a wholly positive experience for all involved. Here’s how.